On Ambrosia, I was the designer and developer. My responsibilities included:
Features I Designed and Built
Side-scrolling puzzle design, prototyping, and construction
Level pacing
Environment puzzle design
Checkpoint design & placement
Color-Changer item design & placement
Nectar gate button design & placement
Enemy design, and placement
3rd person default UE4 Character Blueprint tweaks
No HUD clutter
Visual Scripting (Unreal Blueprints)
Enemy construction
Collectible pick-up and counter
Character Color Change tweaks
Various bug fixes
Nectar gate tweaks
Various bug fixes
Nectar gate button
Quality Assurance
Level Outro Scripted Events
Music and audio cue implementation
Ambrosia is a two player cooperative game in a puzzle filled world set in the Greek Garden of the Gods. Playing as a Sprite, Ambrosia aims to provide friendly gameplay using the player character’s ability to change colors using objects found in the environment. The levels are filled with carefully placed Colored Obstacles, nectar, that allow the player sharing its color to phase through it. Players must figure out the correct order and combination of colors to progress further into the level and plant the Ambrosia Flowers for the gods.
Project Design Goals
Create 3 fun levels in the Unreal Engine 4
Demonstrate skills in environment puzzle design and level pacing
Create an interesting game mechanic that shows long term gameplay potential
Make a two player cooperative game using a side-scrolling camera
Personal Project
Windows PC
Unreal Engine 4
Tools Used
3 weeks
Vertical Slice
Team Size
Gameplay Reel

Ambrosia grew from a simple idea to three levels meant to showcase the heart of what the game's mechanics and puzzles can evolve into. From start to finish, the game takes roughly 20-25 minutes to complete. The levels are designed using general whiteboxing methods, so that I could focus on gameplay and level design rather than asset creation.
Level Design
Level 1 Example
Player path is always forward while learning basic mechanics
Progress to more nonlinear level design to challenge the player in a different way
Environmental Clues
Distinct difference as to what is Nectar and not
Distinct difference as to what is an enemy and not
Player Progression (flow of learning mechanics)
Following Jesse Schell's The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses, Second Edition "Skill & Challenges" curve theory, my design intent was to introduce to the players their characters abilities, interactive objects, enemies, and goal at a pace that would keep their interest and continue to challenge their team skills. Each level was designed in sections; first analyzed as a whole, then individually, and lastly as a whole again.
Level 1 serves as an introduction to the character controller and teaches the player the core gameplay loop (character color change & effects of colors in environment). This level ends with a simple test of the players new knowledge.
Level 2 will start introducing puzzles, again following Jesse Schell's The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses, Second Edition "Skill & Challenges" curve theory. The intent is to add elements of easy and hard fun for the player.
Level 3, while linear, introduces a slightly more exploratory element to the game; forcing the players to go forward and then backtrack with a new perspective of the environment. At this point, the players should have a solid understanding the core gameplay loop. allowing for the introduction of new mechanics, such as the Nectar Toggle Change Buttons. This Level ends challenging the players with a deeper understanding of core gameplay loop and test to their understanding of the Nectar Color Toggle Buttons.

In the example puzzle above, the game forces the players to separate from each other, momentarily sending the yellow player to step 3 before the red player. While a simple puzzle, both players must initially realize that the yellow player must wait for the red player to help before they can progress further.
Color Change Mechanic
Level 2: Section 2.6
Player path is always forward while learning basic mechanics
Progress to more nonlinear level design to challenge the player in a different way
Environmental Clues
Distinct difference as to what is Nectar and not
Distinct difference as to what is an enemy and not
Player Progression (flow of learning mechanics)
Design Considerations
Players must never be able to break the puzzle!
No way to accidentally leave the 2nd player behind
No way to accidentally block level progression by being the wrong color by accident
Provide time for the players to go back and rethink how to solve the puzzle
Both players must exit this puzzle as the color red

Nectar Color Button Mechanic
Level 3: Section 3.1
Players are must learn how the Nectar Color Toggle Button effects the environment without feeling overwhelmed
The first puzzle involving the Nectar Color Toggle Button should not be too easy to solve
At this section in Level 3, the players should by now have a strong understanding of how their character color interacts with the world. This is when a new challenge is introduced, (tentatively called) Nectar Color Toggle Button.
Going back on this project, I have considered breaking Level 3 into two separate levels, where the puzzle above is the last puzzle of Level 3 and a far more simple Color Toggle Button precedes the puzzle above.
Daniel House
Level Development
Anne Donahoo
Main Character Artist: